Comments on: Advertise Your Product or Business Fri, 24 Aug 2012 16:20:51 +0000 hourly 1 Advertise Your Product or Business - is seen by thousands of unique users daily, with the majority either researching future purchases or attempting to save on services they may or not already receive.

Given the intent of our users, we receive numerous advertising requests daily. To meet this demand we’ve recently set-up ‘Keyword Results’ (explained below) – however, if you need to discuss other options please use the form at the bottom of this page.


Keyword Results

Our advertisers love this concept for it’s simplicity and effectiveness.

Just select a keyword you’d like to appear for, e.g. ‘ipad‘, contact us to arrange advertising, and then when a user searches ‘ipad’ your ad will appear on the returned page:

Costs for this service, using a single keyword (e.g. iPad):

£95 for two years
£65 for a year

Costs for this service, using five keywords (e.g. iPad, iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, iMac)

£295 for two years
£195 for a year



 Advertising Enquiry Contact Form

To take up any advertising explained on this page or discuss other opportunities, please use the form below.


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