Mizani Comfiderm Scalp Oil 1.7 fl oz (875592272315)

Mizani Moisturfusion Milk Bath Shampoo , 8.5 Ounce Unisex (UHC4448)

Mizani Rose H2O Conditioning Hairdress 8 oz. 226.8 g. (UHC4392)

Mizani Styling Coconut Souffle Hairdress 226.8 g (884486004260)

Mizani Supreme Oil Conditioner 8.5oz (miz0485oz)

Mizani Supreme Oil Hair Treatment 4.1oz (1296541oz)

Mizani Thermasmooth Shampoo 8.5 oz. (MIZTS85oz)

Mizani Thermastrength Heat Protecting Serum 5 oz. (875592271714)

MPN = Manufacturer Product Code
UPC = Unique (or Universal) Product Code

These are historic prices for products by Mizani. Follow the links above to see a product's price history, including lowest, highest and average prices, from the Mizani brand over time.