Hartke 115XL - 1 x 15 Bass Guitar Cabinet (200 Watt 8 Ohm) (with ) (HCX115)

Hartke 210XL - 2 x 10 Bass Guitar Cabinet (200 Watt 8 Ohm) (with ) (HCX210)

Hartke 2500 Bass Head B-Stock (EHA2500230)

Hartke A 100 bk

Hartke CX45 4.5XL 400 Watts w/4x10 & 5 inch Speaker Cabinet (809164002017)

Hartke HA 5500

Hartke HA3500

Hartke LH1000 Bass Amplifier Head (HALH1000)

Hartke VX115 - 1 x 15 Bass Guitar Cabinet (300 Watt 8 Ohm) (with ) (HCV115)

MPN = Manufacturer Product Code
UPC = Unique (or Universal) Product Code

These are historic prices for products by Hartke. Follow the links above to see a product's price history, including lowest, highest and average prices, from the Hartke brand over time.